
Cuttings, volume 2

The late, great Ray Lowry, from the pages of the NME...


Sad, but inevitable news

The announcement of Iain Banks passing was hardly unexpected.  Banks' had announced he was terminally ill two months ago with typical self-deprecating humour; 'I am Officially Very Poorly' was the opening line of that statement.

The news still made me sad, Banks' twisted storytelling has been a constant in my life since reading 'The Wasp Factory' more years ago than I care to recall.  I've already said my piece on what Iain Banks meant to me here.

I was watering the plants when I heard the news and right after the bulletin came Public Image's 'Rise'.  Somehow it felt right.  It always was a fine song, now it will be inextricably linked in my mind to a fine writer too.

I'll miss both of him.