
What A Waste

Went out and 'exercised my democractic right' yesterday.  A wasted vote in the local council elections and probably much the same in the voting reform referendum.  It looks like less than 40% of the population have decided that the system is just fine, while the 60% who may have a different view, chose to vote with their feet.

Was it all a waste of time?  Pretty much on the face of it, but I still think that if you can vote, you should.  Partly down to idealism; I still think it's the least we should do after what others went through to get us the right to vote in the first place.  But also, voting gives you the right to complain.  If you can't be bothered to vote, why complain about the government?

Still, a nice sunny day and the walk down to the polling station will have done me no harm...

I guess that must be 'British democracy' for you. We know a song about that, don't we children?

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